About Student Minister
Abdul Waliullah Muhammad
He immigrated to the United States in the early 1970’s, and eventually earned a degree in political science and economics from the University of Fredonia, in New York. Mr. Muhammad attended law school briefly, but ultimately decided to pursue a career in business, along with seeking a more active role as a member of the Nation of Islam.
His subsequent successes ultimately led to his being assigned as the Western Regional F.O.I. Captain, relocating to Los Angeles with his family in 1994 to assume that role. He was appointed minister of Muhammad Mosque No. 8 in 1997 and moved to the San Diego community as the Local Representative of The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.
No stranger to public involvement, Mr. Muhammad’s lengthy, dedicated service, and notable level of expertise make him a well-known and sought-after resource on a variety of issues, particularly those dealing with the criminal justice system, community empowerment, and civic engagement. He sits on various city and county wide advisory boards and committees, and has been the recipient of numerous awards.
As the Founder and CEO of I Am My Brother’s Keeper CDC, a nonprofit organization he founded in 2005, Mr. Muhammad has enjoyed a well-earned reputation over the years for providing life-impacting services and programs to an underserved community, regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, or religion. The unprecedented Covid-19 pandemic resulted in a reassessment and realignment of that organization’s emphasis and daily activities; IAMBKCDC pivoted its operations to food distribution, in order to meet the newly redefined needs of an expanded population of community members looking for help in a time of unparalleled crisis. Every month since March 2020, IAMBKCDC directly services over thousands of households (approximately 15,000 individuals monthly) with much needed food and PPE, via distributions held in the community.
Mr. Muhammad also serves as President and CEO of RBW Security, San Diego, a private enterprise specializing in security/loss prevention for construction, commercial/residential, and entertainment venues, as well as executive protection. A devout family man, he has been married since 1986 to his lovely wife, Waliyyah Muhammad, and is the father of two sons.

Meeting Times
Sunday General Meeting - 11:00am
Wednesday Night Study Group - 7:30pm
Friday Night Study Group - 7:30pm
Saturday MGT Class (Women's Only) - 9:00am
Monday FOI Class (Men's Only)- 7:30 pm